Researchers Discover Popular Sweetener Damages DNA

Spiral strand of DNA on the dark background

New study reveals additional health detriments to consuming the 1998 FDA-approved sucralose.

Original article by: Amy Denney, Jun 2, 2023 – The Epoc Times

A new study on sucralose, a popular sugar-free sweetener that underwent 110 safety studies before being approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 1998, discovers toxicities that regulatory agencies must consider.

The study’s new health and safety findings show that sucralose, also known as Splenda, is “genotoxic,” meaning it breaks up DNA. This is in addition to other damning evidence revealed in the study, which was published on May 29 in the Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health. Many of the original claims made in sucralose’s food additive permit have been demolished by years of independent research.

Sucralose damages DNA through a metabolic process. When the sweetener is digested, it produces sucralose-6-acetate as a metabolite. However, trace amounts of this chemical compound have been discovered in the product itself. Sucralose is linked to a variety of negative health effects, according to the findings of this study and previous research.

“This is unacceptable.” “We can’t have genotoxic compounds in our food supply,” Susan Schiffman, the study’s corresponding author, told The Epoch Times. “I believe that if it were presented to the FDA today, they would reject it.” The original claims made to the FDA are simply false. I’m not sure how they missed it.”

A Trail of New Evidence

Read the article posted at Epoc Times for more information.

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